Setup L2TP VPN in Mac OS X (10.5+)

On December 16, 2010, in SETUP HOWTO, by admin

Open the Network Control Panel

First, open the System Preferences by going to the Apple menu and choosing “System Preferences”. Or choose “System Preferences” from the Dock.

Next, click on the ‘Network’ system preference.

Make a new connection

In the ‘Network’ system preference there is a list of network connections on the left side. Click the ‘+’ icon (hilighted in red) to make a new connection for the VPN.

Set the Interface to ‘VPN’ and set the Connection Type and Name

When you click the ‘+’ icon, a new service sheet appears. Click on the ‘Interface’ popup menu to see the list of choices.

In the list, select ‘VPN’.

The ‘VPN Type’ should automatically be set to ‘L2TP over IPSec’, as seen in the picture below.

Next, set the Service Name to “VPNVIP” and click “Create”:

User Name, Password & Other Configurations

Now that you have a VPN connection, you’ll need to configure for it:
In “Server Address”, enter our server host name: or or or;
In “Account Name”, enter your vpn account name (your registered email);

Then, click on the ‘Authentication Settings…’ button. A new sheet drops down.

  • Enter your VPNVIP password in “Password” field;
  • Enter our secret “VPNVIP” (all capitalized!) in “Shared Secret” filed;

    Advanced VPN settings

    Next, we’ll need to adjust some of the advanced VPN settings. To do that, first click the ‘Advanced…” button.
    For the VPN to work effectively, the “Send all traffic over VPN connection” checkbox should be checked.

    Then click “OK” to finish advanced settings.

    Apply the settings

    To actually save the configuration, click the ‘Apply’ button in the bottom right of the window.

    Connect to VPN

    It’s done! Now you can use “connect” button in “VPNVIP” configuration window to enjoy your secure web access!


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